Kirmizi Kamyon turkish Drama Serial 2021

 A recent serialized drama on the Turkish television, Kirmizi Kamyon, follows the story of an ordinary middle-aged housewife, Melki Kular, who lives a simple life in Istanbul. After her husband is killed in a plane crash, she gets a new neighbor, Mehmet Ozcan, to live with her. Soon, Mehmet starts to take advantage of the housewife, feeding her children with money that she takes from her husband's bank account. She does not know that the money is going to Mehmet and his associate, Gokova; two Russian organized crime figures. Soon, the police become involved and arrest both women, but before they can do anything, a mysterious stranger arrives and claims responsibility for the acts committed by the Ozcan couple.

Download Kirmizi Kamyon turkish Drama Serial 2021

This gritty romantic drama has been receiving strong ratings among viewers, and probably for a good reason. The characters are incredibly real, and the director has managed to create a complex and sympathetic character. The scenes are filmed in color, with realistic faces and bodies. The acting is convincing and often hilarious. The music fits the tone of the show perfectly.

The plot of the story is based around the murder of a taxi driver named Musa. The taxi driver was trying to pick up an individual from the airport, when he was ambushed and killed. Because of the nature of the job, most cabs in Istanbul require the woman to make the final pickup of the passengers, which usually involves driving around in the back seat with the man next to her. So, as the driver is being murdered, he never notices the individuals being picked up and is shot dead right in front of his vehicle.

The interesting thing about this serialized story is that the director kept the audience focused on the characters throughout the entire story. There are countless other plots and subplots, but the focus remains on the two main characters. This keeps the audience interested because there are still mysteries to be solved about how and why the crime happened. It also keeps them interested in what happens to the suspects after the events are resolved.

The second part of the story revolves around the aftermath of the crime. The killer was killed, but not before leaving behind a substantial amount of money. Naturally, a police investigator is sent to figure out what took place, and if the money was properly accounted for. The investigation is complicated by the fact that most of the suspect's money went into a different bank.

Kamyon is a unique crime story that deserves to be seen by viewers who enjoy the Suspense genre. It is also written in a very entertaining style. For newcomers to the medium, there are plenty of character development, plot development, and action to keep the readers engrossed. If you are a fan of this type of story, then you should definitely check out Kamyon.
